PAINT-2DTM platform is our proprietary platform equipped with “one-stop” functionalities for the early stage development of immuno-oncology therapies, and enables us to study the functions of immuno-oncology therapies and their effects on immune cells in an efficient manner, as well as to evaluate the combination potential of different immuno-oncology therapies and the toxicity and AEs for different combination regimens.
By utilizing immune cell lines, primary immune cells, and ex vivo tumor/tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL), our PAINT-2DTM platform can perform a series of assays to comprehensively assess (i) the effects of immuno-oncology drugs on the functioning of immune cells, including T-cells, B-cells, dendritic cells, monocytes, and macrophages, and (ii) the combination potential and off-target effects for different immune-oncology drugs. This allows us to (i) thoroughly optimize the efficacy and undesired AEs of drug candidates to maximize their efficacy in immuno-oncology, (ii) fully assess the combinational synergies between different drugs in preclinical stages, and (iii) potentially correlate preclinical output with clinical performance using data generated internally. This platform is expected to lead to optimal candidate molecules and combination regimens to potentially reduce the risks associated with subsequent clinical trials.
ANEAT-IdTM platform is a highly efficient and robust yeast display system that is dedicated to therapeutic antibody discovery and development.
It features by (i) a super-sized library of over 50 billion human antibodies, (ii) high display efficiency to successfully express antibodies on yeast surface, (iii) a display/secretion switchable design to allow flexibility in small-scale antibody purification and subsequent functional test, and (iv) various developability assessment tools to minimize risks in late-stage development. We are utilizing our ANEAT-Id technology to facilitate and speed therapeutic antibody R&D.