Adlai Nortye Attended ASCO 2017 Annual Meeting

June 2-6, 2017, Adlai Nortye’s Board Director (Ruirong Yuan), Chief Commercial Officer (Jason Lu) were invited to attend the ASCO annual meeting in Chicago, USA.

American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Founded in 1964, the American Society of Clinical Oncology is the world's leading professional organization for physicians and oncology professionals caring for people with cancer.ASCO annual meeting is recognized as the world's most influential academic conference, representing the highest level of clinical oncology research.

The ASCO 2017 annual meeting brings together more than thirty thousand oncology professionals around the world to discuss state-of-the-art treatment modalities, new therapies, and ongoing controversies in the field. Many research institutions and enterprises have released a lot of new achievements in cancer treatment.